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Oral Appliances for
Snoring and Sleep Apnoea


Mandibular Advancement Appliance


At the Perth Oral Medicine & Dental Sleep Centre, we specialise in Mandibular Advancement Appliance s for snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea. They are also known as Mandibular Advancement Splints or Snoreguards.

If you are interested in a Mandibular Advancement Appliance, it is essential for you to have a sleep study prior to your consultation with us. The combination of a thorough history, examination and sleep study will determine if you are a suitable candidate for a Mandibular Advancement Appliance.

What is a Mandibular Advancement Appliance and how does it work?

Mandibular Advancement Appliance s are small appliance s worn in the mouth during sleep and are somewhat similar to orthodontic retainers or sports mouthguards.  There are numerous designs and these appliances are customised and fitted to meet your individual situation. An appliance which is titratable (adjustable) is highly recommended.  Over-the-counter appliances (such as the “boil and bite”) are not recommended as they do not work consistently and are typically uncomfortable. For the best treatment outcome, it is recommended you seek the care of a clinician who is experienced in the field of Dental Sleep Medicine.

Mandibular Advancement Appliances assist breathing during sleep by repositioning and stabilising the lower jaw (mandible) and tongue in a forward position.  This helps prevent the collapse of the tongue and soft tissues at the back of the throat and thus keeps the airway open during sleep. In turn, this promotes adequate air intake (oxygen) to prevent your airway from vibrating (snoring) and obstructing (sleep apnoea).

What conditions are Mandibular Advancement Appliances suitable to treat?

  • Snoring

  • Mild and moderate obstructive sleep apnoea

  • Severe obstructive sleep apnoea cases who are intolerant to CPAP

  • As combination therapy with CPAP and/or upper airway surgery



  • Easy to use

  • Convenient

  • Better compliance compared to CPAP

  • Small and portable – may be used as a substitute for CPAP during travel and does not require a power source

  • Non-invasive treatment, unlike surgery

Possible Side Effects:

The Mandibular Advancement Appliance will be custom fabricated for maximum comfort.  If the appliance is fitted correctly, it is typically well tolerated.  However, there will be a short period of adjustment during which your mouth will adapt to the sensation of an appliance.    As the appliance pushes your jaw forward, some patients feel discomfort initially, which typically resolves with continued use.   When this occurs, discomfort is usually felt in the jaw joint (in front of the ear) or jaw muscles. Also, with prolonged use, your bite may alter and this needs to be monitored carefully.

Most of the other side effects are minor and resolve on their own or with minor adjustment to the appliance.  Long-term complications may or may not be fully reversible once therapy is discontinued.  Given the potential for side effects and complications, it is recommended you seek the care of a clinician who is experienced in the field of Dental Sleep Medicine.

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